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Guidance Lesson Plans

Date: October 8, 2014


Activity: Stress Management


Grade(s): 9-12


ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):

Personal/Social Domain, Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others, Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve goals.


Competencies Addressed:
PS:A1Acquire Self-knowledge
PS:B1 Self-knowledge Application


Learning Objective(s):

1. Students will learn about healthy ways of coping with stress.

2. Students will learn how to apply stress management and relaxation strategies to settings both inside and outside of the classroom.



- Stress and Anxiety Quiz:

- How to Deal with Stress: 33 Tips That Work:

- SoulPancake Video “Relax! Live A Little”:

- “How To Calm Down In 10 Seconds (Fast Relaxation Trick to Stop Anxiety and Stress)” :


1. Instruct students to think about and write down future goals, what stresses them, and why.

2. Discuss factors that contribute to stress.

3. Give Stress and Anxiety quiz and discuss students’ thoughts and reactions.

4. Pass out Positivity Blog article and discuss.
5. Watch and discuss SoulPancake video on Relaxation.

6. Watch Deep Breathing Exercises video and practice deep breathing.

7. Conclude with student reflection on stress and stress management techniques.


Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?


Process Data: I plan on collecting the students’ reflections from the beginning of class.


Perception Data: I plan on collecting the students’ Stress and Anxiety quizzes and have them write their reactions to the results.


Outcome Data: I plan on following up with students to see how they changed any behaviors to allow for stress management (i.e., better time management, quality sleep, quality eating, rechanneling energy, etc.).


Follow Up: For students who do not have positive outcomes, I would like to meet with them one-on-one to help them address their issues. I hope that this guidance lesson plan will allow students not only to manage stress that can affect their academic success, but also to use these stress management techniques throughout life. I am aware that different students have different ways of coping with stress, and I will continue to monitor each individual to make sure that they do something positive that works best for them.



















Date: October 15, 2014


Activity: Cyber safety


Grade(s): 5th Grade


ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):

Personal/Social Development Domain; Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand respect self and others, Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills


Learning Objective(s):

1. Students will learn about using the internet in safe ways.

2. Students will learn about taking caution with posting on social media websites.

3. Students will learn how they can stop and prevent cyber bullying.

Materials: Computer, Powerpoint presentation, videos on safe website surfing, websites on cyber safety, skit for role playing activity



1. Ask the group their thoughts on using the internet and social media.
2. Pass out surveys to students asking about their internet usage.
3. Watch videos on safe website surfing and discuss.
4. Show students websites on cyber safety.

5. Ask students to role play a situation and discuss how it made them feel.


Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?


Process Data: I will collect the surveys that I will give the students and evaluate them.


Perception DataI will take note of what students think and feel at the end of the activities.


Outcome Data: I plan on checking in with students to see how any behaviors have changed (i.e., decrease in cyberbullying, awareness of safe internet usage, etc.).


Follow Up: I will follow up by looking at the survey results and asking teachers and other adults if there have been any problems with any particular students. In addition, I will give out school climate surveys four times a year (at the beginnings and ends of school semesters) to gauge if there are any issues. If any problems arise or come under my radar, I will meet individually with particular students.

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